Mobile Only Layout

100 points

Mobile Only Layout


HTML and CSS for project are valid10
Mobile design created10
Design fits properly on 320 by 480 resolutions20
Site's "look" is (reasonably) maintained20
Page content is offered in the mobile design10
Good mobile design principles are followed25
JavaScript redirect to desktop site functions properly5
Total100 pts



To create a mobile specific layout



The website for the Oklahoma state regents for higher education ( does not currently have a mobile website. For this assignment you will need to create a mobile version of the their website homepage for them, the other pages of the site will be made mobile later. The page you create will be used as the site's default landing page and will redirect to the current desktop site when appropriate.


You should attempt to maintain the "look" of the site to the greatest extent that you can while also redesigning the site using good mobile design principles. Color palettes should be kept and images can be "borrowed" from the original site to be used in your mobile design. The design you create should be designed for both portrait and landscape orientation on 320x480 resolution devices. This design can be fixed width and does not need to be responsive.


In addition to the mobile redesign you should also include the ability to redirect to the original desktop site when a mobile browser isn't detected using JavaScript. If a user visits the mobile page from a desktop browser they should be redirected to the desktop (original) site. If the user visits the mobile page from a mobile browser the redirection should not happen.