Spring 2017

Rectangles with Error Checking

Due: Tuesday February 21, 2017 11:59 PM

Lab02 - Rectangles with Error Checking


Flowchart if valid and understandable 10 pts
Program design allows required inputs5 pts
Program design handles invalid inputs as described5 pts
Program design correctly finds the area of a rectangle5 pts
Program design produces required outputs in all cases5 pts
Total30 pts



To practice with flowcharts that show decisions


For this lab you will need to design the logic for a program using a flowchart. The program would allow the user to enter two numbers and if the two numbers appear valid they would be used to calculate the area of a rectangle.

Both of the input numbers will come from the user and will be whole numbers. There is the possibility the the user could enter a blank, a word, or a negative value for either number in which case the number would be considered invalid. If an invalid number is entered the user should immediately be shown an error message and the program should end.

If both of the input numbers are valid then the first number should be considered to be the width of a rectangle and the second number would be the rectangles height. Based on that, the area of the rectangle should be calculated and displayed for the user.