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Lab05 Relationships
Due: Monday October 31, 2016 11:59 PM
Lab05 - Relationships
Relationship diagram completed
10 pts
The type of relationship and/or degree of participation is given
20 pts
Deletion rules are given
10 pts
Type of participation is given
10 pts
Foreign keys are identified
20 pts
Many to Many relationships are dissolved and linking tables are identified (in ERD, Final Table List, and in Field Specs)
To identify the relationships that exist between tables
Create a relationship diagram for all of the tables in your database. In this table define a deletion rule for each relationship and identify the type and degree of participation in the relationship.
Identify foreign keys (FK) in your tables when relationships are formed.
During this process, if any linking tables are needed, add them to your diagram and return to the previous labs and complete all previous work for these new tables.