Fall 2016

Distance Converter

Due: Tuesday September 29, 2015 11:59 PM

Lab03 - Distance Converter


Pseudocde and flowchart logic is correct20 pts
Pseudocode and flowchart instructions are specific10 pts
Pseudocode is structured10 pts
Effort has been made to make the instructions readable 10 pts
Total50 pts



To design a program's logic involving a loop


For this lab you will need to design the logic for a program using a flowchart and pseudocode that will be able to convert a number of miles to inches.

The user should be able to enter a number of miles, as many times as they would like, one value for miles at a time, and the program should convert each value to inches until the user indicates that they no longer want to enter new values. The converted number of inches should be displayed as output to the user in a friendly format.

When the user has indicated that they no longer want to enter values for miles the program should display "Thank You" and then end.