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Lab05 Restart Monitor
Due: Tuesday March 31, 2015 11:59 PM
Lab05 - Restart Monitor
Class created
10 pts
Log file can be specified
10 pts
Log file is searched
10 pts
Restarts are found
20 pts
Restarts can be displayed
10 pts
Restarts shown are only the date and time of the restart
Practice using Ruby objects and regular expressions
Create a class called RestartMonitor that can read from the attached log file and report the dates and times that system restarts occurred.
Your RestartMonitor class should have the ability to work with any specified log file name, it should be able to search for system restarts and report on those restarts independently (i.e. searching for and showing the restarts do not have to happen at the same time), and duplicate restarts should not be shown.
Restarts can be identified in the log file by the word "restarting" that will occur in those lines.