Tut GUI and File IO

100 points

Tut GUI and File IO


Comments placed in each source code file.5
Program compiles without errors.5
Jar file created.5
Jar file executable.5
Program converts from clear text to tut.20
Program converts from tut to clear text.20
Clear text and tut text can be saved in a text file.20
Clear text and tut text can be read in from a text file.20
Total100 pts



To practice with File IO


For this lab you will be creating a Java application that is able to convert between clear text (normal text) and tut text (encoded text described below). The application should allow the user to open a file that contains either of these types of text or to enter the text manually into a TextArea component. The program should then be able to convert between the two types of text, displaying the converted text in another TextArea or outputting the converted text to a file at the users request.

The tut language is a simple encoded language where words are spelled out and the letters "ut" are placed after every constant and vowels are left as they are. So the word "Hello", in tut become "Hutelutluto" The word "Goodbye" becomes "Gutoodutbutyute". The sentence "How are you today?", becomes "Hutowut arute yutou tutodutayut?".