Internet Explorer in all versions is a dangerous browser. It has many deficiencies and security vulnerabilities that make it unsafe.
You should instead use a current version of Chrome or
Firefox if you're using windows or Safari for the Mac.
This site will not function properly in Internet Explorer. Emails will not be sent, downloads will not function, assignments will not be
Create a JAR file for a Java Application
Step 3: Create a JAR file for a Java Application
Update the Manifest
After the update file is created, on the command line type:
jar -ufmv LabName.jar update.txt
This statement will integrate the two lines in the update.txt file into the manifest file of the JAR file making it executable.
The switches ufmv tell the JAR command to 'U'pdate the 'F'iles 'M'anifest and produce 'V'erbose output of the process.